
Smoovie keywords
Smoovie keywords

  1. Smoovie keywords full#
  2. Smoovie keywords software#

This allows either child or teacher to write a sentence and it then be read aloud to them.

Smoovie keywords full#

The simplest way of using Clicker is by using it as a simple word processor, a sentence can be written and once a full stop is added the sentence is read aloud. The following part of my blog looks at the different words Clicker can be used with screenshot examples, I have also explained how I would use it in the classroom to differentiate and how it can support children with Special Educational Needs. When looking at the stories the words will be read aloud, you are then able to record your own voice reading the sentences, as well as stories it has templates for book making and gives example sentences for the children to use as guidance. As well as creating ‘sample sentences’ you are also able to create model sentences which children can copy, teachers are then able to choose whether it will be a spoken model or a pop up model.Īnother part of the program that we looked briefly at was the ability to use the wizard to create stories and create matching activities, this is very cross curricular allowing children to match colours, numbers or letters. But teachers or teaching assistants are able to make ‘sample sentences’ which allow children to look at the sentence then click on the words in order to make a simple sentence. Not only can children create their sentences.

Smoovie keywords software#

There are pictures already on the software or children are able to create their own, you are able to insert drawing as you work, children are able to draw over pictures making it more personal and more engaging for those children that may find it difficult to stay engaged for a period of time. You are able to add word predictions at the side, or add pictures which adds visual aids as well auditory. It allows for teachers and children to create/build senetnces and once a full stop is added the word is read aloud, I believe this may benefit many children as they are able to listen back to aha they have written it supports their listening skills. We looked at clicker which is a piece of software of the computer that acts as a simple word processor. I had an awareness of the benefits ICT and the use of it in supporting children’s development with SEN, but was not aware of what sort of software and programs could be used. Todays lesson we focused on children with Special Educational Needs and what programs could be used to support this.

Smoovie keywords